Saturday, 30 November 2013


Hello :)
IT'S DECEMBER TOMORROW! (I'm a little bit excited for Christmas, can you tell? I may or may not be watching Love Actually as I write this, is that acceptable?)
Even though Russians don't celebrate Christmas until the 7th Jan, the streets are starting to light up and there are huge Christmas trees on Nevsky Prospect (the main street) which are gorgeous. Add a bit of snow to the scene and it's a lovely place to be! Still, really can't wait to be home now, roll on roastdinnersfishandchipscurrybaconsausagesanwichfullenglishcupsofteacakebiscuitscadburyscobbler oh and seeing family and friends, eeeee :)

Anywhom, things are going pretty well here, coped in -4 so there is hope for me! Our babushka is in a fairly good mood but told me that I need to work on my pronunciation of some sounds so that Russians won't think I'm a foreigner (this will never happen, ever) but anyway, she chose breakfast time to give me a masterclass. Apparently I was getting it all wrong, but it was quite the stressful situation as she was constantly switching between "quick eat your porridge, it's getting cold" and "say this word, now this one, come on!" what does a girl do in this situation? I've always been told not to talk with my mouth full, and even so, pronouncing new sounds is quite difficult with a mouth full of porridge.

I don't have much exciting news for you from the last few weeks I'm afraid. Still very much enjoying life here, teaching is a lot of fun and I'm not skiving TOO many lessons at school so that's always a positive. Went to the cinema here for the first time last week to see the 'Hungry Games" as it's called here! I really enjoyed it but it took a while to get used to the dubbing (at points I tried to lipread to work out what was actually going on - need to work on that skill) Turns out cinemas are cheaper than home and have really comfy reclining seats, might go back there when I need a good nap.

I've decided it's high time I had a haircut and next week will be the week! I am very much hoping I select the correct vocabulary and do not come back looking ridiculous...wish me luck!

Potentially off to Moscow next weekend, but we'll see!
Hope all is well and that you're excited for Christmas time too!

Лиза xx

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